The Mark rental apartments in Boca RatonBoca Raton residents who value the signature theme of Mediterranean/Mizner architecture or flourishes, or creative, contemporary design at human scale that has characterized downtown Boca as a distinctive brand are urged to attend a very important workshop on April 30 at the Boca Community Center. This workshop will look at downtown’s newest building: rental apartments called The Mark at Cityscape.

The Mark will be reviewed because it was designed under the “Interim Design Guidelines” (IDG) and the “Pattern Book” as the “test project” for these guidelines. The Mark is billed as luxury apartments, the highest views in Boca. On the website a 508 sq ft, no-bedroom, 1 bath studio is offered at $1425 per month. The 3-bedroom lease is offered at $3,300 per month.

Should the guidelines that allowed The Mark to be built continue to determine the course of downtown Boca?  This question is addressed in this piece at BocaWatch: A New Look Comes to Boca.

If residents want their voices to be heard, it is imperative to attend this workshop and share your views now.  If you are unable to be there for the entire meeting, public comment will be open 11:30-Noon & again at 3:00-3:30pm.

The interesting background behind this workshop is that it was originally scheduled a couple days before the Passover/Easter weekend and citizens who found out about it objected strenuously for a time more amenable to citizen participation. The city rescheduled the workshop.

For more information visit Boca Watch citizens website.  Also, the City of Boca Raton website