This letter of clarity and conscience appeared in the <em> Palm Beach Post</em><br /><br /> <strong>County Ignoring Will of the Voters</strong>
June 10, 2015 –<br /><br />
“At a time when the nation needs the produce of the Agricultural Reserve more than ever, the Palm Beach County commissioners continue to quietly and quickly pave the way for the total development of the area. That is their plan.<br /><br />
Just like Amendment 1, which has been largely ignored by our state legislators, the commissioners are ignoring the will of the voters to preserve the Ag Reserve. Recently, they approved a charter school — right next to a farm — and you know there will be complaints that the children are being exposed to pesticides. Of course they are, if you put a school next to a farm.<br /><br />
Now, the commissioners are considering relaxing the 150-acre preserve buffers. Yes, who needs those? That will certainly make it easier to build more homes in the area.<br /><br />
How do we stop this? It doesn’t seem like county commissioners listen to the voters. They seem to make decisions in a vacuum, with no thought about an overall sensible growth plan for the county. How can we get people in those seats who care about the county and all residents of it?<br />Janet Robinson, Boca Raton<br /><br />
<em>Palm Beach Post </em>Editor’s note: On April 23, Palm Beach County commissioners approved a zoning request so that a 2,400-student charter-school complex could be built at Happy Hollow and Lyons roads. Neither the School District nor the state has yet approved any school for the site.